Broccologues – The Origin

Written by Alex on November 19, 2015 - 0 Comments

My wife and I have a four-year-old son.  His name is Ivan.  He’s awesome.

He also hates vegetables.

Every night we go through many different gymnastic exercises to get Ivan to eat vegetables or a vegetable or a bite of a vegetable.  Knowing that we get one bite at the apple (no pun intended), we go for the vegetable that packs the most punch pound-for-pound — broccoli.

Now, I know there are some who think we’re crazy.  Surely, they say, no 4-year-old will eat broccoli unless forced under serious duress.  And, they are right.

Still we persist.  Because we love Ivan.  We want him to be healthy.  And, because our parents did this sh*t to us, so now we’re gonna pass on the favor.

So, in the days and weeks ahead, I’ll be keeping you up-to-date on our efforts to get Ivan to eat broccoli, giving you the blow-by-blow of the dialogues we have with him about broccoli.

I call this the Broccologues.


Ivan holding a broccoli floret at arms-length

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