Parenting Is About Toughening Up

Written by Alex on June 2, 2014 - 0 Comments

Parenting is about toughening up – for you and your child.  They have to do stuff that can hurt them and you have to learn to let them.

Like the other day, my son was playing with Play-Doh, and I said, “Okay, now no eating this.” And, he said, “Okay daddy” and then he popped a big hunk of it in his mouth and ate it.  A year ago, I would’ve freaked out.  I would’ve picked him and been running to the ER with him in my arms like that scene in Kramer vs. Kramer.  Just cursing at people to get the “F” out of the way, while I was calling poison control center and putting my fingers in his throat.  But, now, I just looked at him and counted 5 Mississippi and was like “okay, he didn’t vomit, he’s still breathing, and he’s laughing his ass off. I guess we’re okay.”

It’s not that I don’t care.  It’s that I’ve started to realize that he’s tougher than I think.

Plus I’m exhausted.  And, it’s hard to get crazy about stuff when you’re worn out.  Especially when your kid is the one wearing you out.  So, when my son was 10 months old he bopped his head, and I freaked out.  I went on and on how it was all my fault and how I’d never forgive myself if anything happened.  Fast forward to months later, he tripped over the broom I told him to move about 1000 times and he bonked his head and I thought “well, you did that to yourself.”

Don’t get me wrong, I was concerned, but over time you start to realize that your child’s only gonna learn by getting hurt.  You can warn them and warn them and warn then, but when they ignore your warning and the very thing you warned them about happens, well, it’s hard to watch, but it’s also “lesson learned.”  It’s the old: “Welcome to the real world.  Choices have consequences.  I’m not just saying stuff because I love sounding like my dad.  I’m saying it because I love you, and I’m trying to cut down on your learning curve.  But, no, you have to see for yourself.  Okay, you saw.  The trick is now — let’s see if and how you pick yourself back up.”

And, in the meantime, I gotta be tough to sit and watch to see if he’s gonna fall and get back up on his own.

Boy, this parenting stuff is tough on everyone.


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