The Multiracial Family Guide to Multiracial Families

Written by Alex on May 14, 2015 - 0 Comments

As a multiracial family, we are proud to be in the vanguard of social change.  One day, hopefully, our trailblazing efforts (cue the inspirational music) will result in a World where everyone is multiracial so that everyone is so mixed up, you can’t hate anyone for fear that you might actually be hating yourself.

Until that day, however, multiracial families are still somewhat uncommon. Toward that end, here are some important facts to know about multiracial families because while race is an artificial construct, there still are differences between the races in certain subtle ways:

1. White people do sunburn more easily.  Sad but true.

2. Black people can get sunburn.  Not commonly known (at least by White people) but true as well.

3. Not all White people have a flat butt.  However, all old White people do.

4. Black people do play ice hockey.

5. Biracial children are not always better looking than other kids, but they are featured in more Gap Kids ads.

6. Nothing is the new Black.  Black is the old and the the new Black.  Even in Australia where the water in the toilet bowl goes the other direction.

7. You’re not a true multiracial family unless at least one set of your ancestors was the victim of racism and discrimination at some point in this nation’s history.

8. Multiracial families are not all in the Illuminati . . . .  Just some of us are 🙂

9. White privilege is a real thing.  However, it only goes so far.  If you’re a broke White person, you can’t buy a meal using “Privilege Points.”  You’re just a broke White person.

10. You’ll know Multiracial families have arrived when we’re featured in every Wal-Mart commercial

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