New Year’s 2016 Resolutions

Written by Alex on December 28, 2015 - 0 Comments

As we come to the end of 2015, I feel obligated to do a set of resolutions for the New Year.  So, here they are:

1. Meditation—Now that I’ve learned to meditate, I resolve, in my quest to be more mindful, to stop telling people to get the F**k out of my way so I can go home and meditate.

2. Broccoli—In our never-ending quest to get our 4 year-old to eat broccoli, I resolve to “walk the walk” and eat broccoli every time I ask him to do so. I similarly resolve that the answer to the question “When do the Barnett men eat broccoli?” will be answered “more than never, but not always.”

3. Fitness—I resolve to be more balanced in my fitness regime. Accordingly, I will continue to work out everyday, but I resolve at least once a month to stretch (even if it’s just to pick up the broccoli that my son and I threw on the floor the evening prior).

4. Education—I resolve to read at least two books a month. Dr. Seuss will not count unless it’s beyond the 20th of a given month, and I’m still stuck on book 1.

5. Vices—I resolve not to have vices. If I need things held in place, I will use tape, glue or two strong friends to hold said items.

6.  Finances—I resolve to get my finances in order.  Toward that end, in my wallet, regardless of how little is in said wallet, it will always be organized with large bills on the inside and smaller bills on the outside.

7.  Environmentalism—I will not drive a gas-guzzling, environment-polluting car around town.  Fortunately, I live in NYC and do not own (nor can I afford) a car.

8. Charitable Giving—I resolve to give to charity.  The Barnett Family Foundation for Almost Middle Class People Living With Me is, I’m told, a very worthy charity. I intend to give to them, early and often.

9. Listening More—I resolve to listen more. This should be made much easier by the fact that I’m exhausted, too tired, in fact, to talk.

10. Love Much—I resolve to open my heart and love more people more openly. Unless of course, they act like stupid a**holes who don’t deserve love.

My wife and Me.  I resolve not to annoy her.  She resolves to try and understand that I'm annoying

My wife and Me. I resolve not to annoy her. She resolves to try and understand that I’m annoying

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