So You’re An Interracial Family? So What?

Written by Alex on June 23, 2013 - 4 Comments

Notwithstanding the recent controversy about the Cheerios ad featuring a multiracial family, from time-to-time, people will remark either to me or in the media that the fact of multiracial families is “no big deal.”

It would nice if that were correct.

Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m not suggesting the my wife, son and I are subjected to a daily barrage of racist epithets and slurs.  Not at all.  We live our lives, day in and day out, in large measure completely away from any sort of discrimination.

But, every so often, racism peeks its ugly head in the room.  Not always directly at us, but, even when it’s not directed at us (and often it is), the fact that any family anywhere is being subjected to this sort of treatment makes us concerned, frustrated, annoyed and vigilant.

So, it was ironic that today someone suggested to me that no one really cares anymore about the issue of multiracial families (at least as depicted on tv) and at the very same time, on the other side of the country, a multiracial family had a swastika painted on their family minivan:

So, what’s the upshot?  Well, I would say that, just as the Paula Deen incident illustrates, racism is with us, and until the day when multiracial families are as ubiquitous as Starbuck’s and McDonald’s, those of us in multiracial families will be dealing with racism.


4 Comments on “So You’re An Interracial Family? So What?”

  • Yogi BlackmonJune 23, 2013 pm30 8:48 pmReply

    Bravo, Alex! Your family and mine and all of us deserve to be ranked among this beautiful human race, nothing less! Peace & Love!

    • AlexJune 24, 2013 pm30 3:55 pmReply

      Thanks for writing! All the best to you!

  • Pastor Taz HallJune 24, 2013 pm30 11:46 pmReply

    I am a proud black man, with a beautiful white bride and five mixed children (1 son, 4 daughters) and 4 beautiful grandchildren. Some of my children and THEIR children have blond hair and blue eyes. Some have very thick, nappy hair, and one of my grandchildren even has Mexican heritage also. We are a proud family and when we look at each other, we do NOT see a color difference we see those that we love. It does not matter who has the most pigment in their epidermis. What matters is that we are ALL GOD’S children and He loves us all no matter how dark or light our skin is.

    • AlexJune 28, 2013 pm30 8:35 pmReply

      Thanks so much for writing and sharing your story!! All the best!

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