The Ultimate Fart Joke

Written by Alex on November 23, 2015 - 0 Comments

My wife and I have a 4-year-old son.  He likes farting.  I like it too.  In fact, as observed to me by a female friend of mine, all men (her husband included) seem to really have a love for farting and fart jokes.

To which I respond: “pull my finger.”

I mean, yes, farts can be pretty darn nasty.  But, they’re hilarious, they’re a universally shared experience, and they’re free.  By contrast, there are women who have a hobby of shopping non-stop for things they can’t afford, will never use, and which were made by child slave laborers.

So, which hobby is more harmful — a bean-induced explosion or a handbag that retails for $1000 that’s made in Southeast Asian by 6 year olds who worked 24 hours a day (without even so much as a fart-break) to finish said bag.


So, yes, my son and I are infantile, and only one of us has a reasonable excuse for so being.

On the other hand, that 6 year old sewing a handbag can’t smell us

A button, done by fan, Michelle James, featuring our son's favorite motto.

A button, done by fan, Michelle James, featuring our son’s favorite motto.

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