Multiracial Bucket List

Written by Alex on June 15, 2015 - 2 Comments

I just attended the Mixed-Remixed Festival (, which is a celebration of folks of mixed heritage and of mixed families.

While there, I had the opportunity to re-learn and better understand so many of the issues that mixed people and mixed families (like ours) face.  As I came away from the festival, it made me think that we ought to have a Multiracial or Mixed Bucket List.

So, without further ado (and without wishing to be presumptuous), I have begun such a list.  Please send your own ideas!!

1. Mixed person: Spend a whole day without someone asking “so what are you?”

2. Mixed family: Go anywhere with your child and not have someone ask “is he (or she) adopted?”

3. Mixed person: Go a week without meeting someone who tries to tell you that they’re mixed too because “my mom’s crazy, and my dad’s nuts”

4. Mixed family: see a commercial featuring a family that looks like yours and then not see a string of internet posts about what a crime against a humanity it is to show families like that on tv

5. Mixed person: Not have everyone assume that you’re the living breathing embodiment of each stereotype of each culture that is part of your mixed background.


2 Comments on “Multiracial Bucket List”

  • DaviduJune 17, 2015 pm30 3:40 pmReply

    Hi Alex. I came across your FB page purely by chance, and am delighted! I am a white male, 65, married to a black woman for 12 yrs next month. While we do not have any children together, we have done a fair amount of dreaming about how our joint offspring would bless us. Just wanted to introduce myself….oh, and thanks for enlightening me with your posts about Loving Day!

    • AlexJune 17, 2015 pm30 10:10 pmReply

      Thanks so much for writing! so glad you found the FB page and the website! Thanks for sharing your story. I wish you and your wife all the very best!

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